Kinetic Clothes

Advances in sensor technology allow us to wear various sensors that detect bio-signals, such as body posture, body movement, heart rate and respiration rate. Compared with the many options of wearable sensors available, the options of display methods are limited. This paper proposes the Bio-Collar, which is a novel collar-shaped wearable bio-status display. The Bio-Collar indicates the wearer’s bio-status through its color and kinetic motion. Publications: Takuto Hayashi, Masaru Ohkubo, Sho Sakurai, Koichi Hirota, Takuya Nojima, “Towards Making Kinetic Garments Based on Conductive Fabric and Smart Hair”, Proceedings of UBICOMP/ISWC, 2019. (author version PDF) M. Ohkubo, M. Xue, M. Yamamura, J. Kanebako, L. Ishigami, S. Yamaguchi, T. Nojima, H. Uchiyama,

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Smart Hair(formerly “Hairlytop Interface”):光駆動型柔軟触覚インタフェース

Much research has been conducted on surface reappearance type haptic displays. Those displays are cable with showing roughness of the objects’ surface often by controlling the height of many rods. However, actuation systems are complex then it is hard for them to expand the display area. In this research, we propose a new surface reappearance type haptic display named “HairlyTop Interface”. That interface consists of multiple SMA based flexible actuators. The actuators are easily appended or remove from the main display device. In this report, we introduce the basic idea of the HairlyTop Interface. Then we also describe on preliminary evaluations and their results. 実物体を積極的に取り入れることで,人とコンピュータの情報のやり取りにおいても,人同士や,人と動物間で行われるような触れ合うコミュニケーションの実現が試みられている.その中でも, 毛のような柔軟物は触れた際に感じる柔らかさは有機的であり親しみやすい.この特性に注目した毛状インタフェースが多く開発されている.しかし,従来の手法では駆動部の機構上の制約や制御方法の問題により,毛の密度向上に伴うシステムの複雑化,大型化,拡張性の制約といった問題から,広く密に構成された毛の一本一本を自在に動かすことは困難であった.そこで本研究では小型・軽量で,かつ提示面積の拡大・縮小が容易に変更可能な拡張性の高い毛状インタフェースであるHairlyTop Interface を提案する.これまでの研究で基本原理を提案し,その妥当性を確認した.本発表では全方向屈曲運動を行え,屈曲後の復元についても制御可能なシステムを提案する. Diginfo(English) Diginfo(日本語)

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We propose a ball-type device using photoelastic effect. Photoelastic effect is one of the features many transparent gels have, and polarization state changes depending on the pressure when the gel is pressed. “PhotoelasticTouch”, developed in our laboratory, is tabletop interface for touch recognition using this effect. But it has some problem of miniaturization it needs to place a camera in order to observe the polarization. We improved it and developed new touch sensor. This sensor is very thin and able to process into various shapes. We report this sensor’s performance evaluation and recognition structure. デジタルスポーツとはスポーツ用具・フィールドに対して高度デジタル機器を融合させることによる,拡張されたスポーツのことである.例えばボールのバウンドにあわせてボールそのものやフィールドに映像効果を付与する,ボールの中に空気アクチュエータを搭載し,空中で飛行軌道を変化させるといったことが行われている.将来的にさらに高度な能力を有するスポーツ用具やフィールドが開発されると期待されるものの,それらの能力を効果的に活用するための,適切なコマンド入力手段は存在しない.本研究では特にボールに着目し,スポーツプレー中であってもコマンド入力を可能とする,全面全周囲圧力検出機能を組み込んだPhotoelasticBallを開発した.PhotoelasticBallはボール全面全周囲で圧力検出が可能であることから,ボールのどこを押下しても,その押下力の大きさと方向を検出することができる.すなわち,ボール全面がジョイスティックと同等の機能を有するものとなっている.このボールは本講座小池研究室のPhotoelasticTouchの技術に基づき構成されている. Publications: Kei Nitta, Toshiki Sato, Hideki Koike, Takuya Nojima, “PhotoelasticBall: A touch detectable ball using

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Pseudo-haptic feedback on softness:柔らかさの錯触覚に関する研究

In most of the research on pseudo-haptic feedback, subjects’ hands are on the desk and the visual image is provided from a monitor placed in front of them. The setup easily induces sensory conflicts for pseudo-haptic feedback between visual and haptic perception. However, subjects rarely see simultaneously their hand in motion and in a visual display. We report here our preliminary study on pseudo-haptic feedback related to tactile perception of softness. In the study, subjects hold a hand-held display with pressure sensors. A virtual object shown on the display screen changes shape according to pressures from the subject’s squeezing of the device. In this configuration, subjects are able to see

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SITA(A tongue training system and its application):舌運動検出とその福祉応用

Children with Down syndrome have a variety of symptoms including speech and swallowing disorders. To improve these symptoms, tongue training is thought to be beneficial. However, inducing children with Down syndrome to do such training is not easy because tongue training can be an unpleasant experience for children. In addition, with no supporting technology for such training, teachers and families around such children must make efforts to induce them to undergo the training. In this research, we develop an interactive tongue training system especially for children with Down syndrome using SITA (Simple Interface for Tongue motion Acquisition) system. In this paper, we describe in detail our preliminary evaluations of SITA,

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