Tag Archives: Entertainment

Augmented Dodgeball

Physical activities and active lifestyles are important remain healthy and have a good life quality. The key factor to encourage people to get involved to these activities lies in the fun, excitement and social aspects of the activity. Augmented dodgeball was built to enrich the user experience of a physical game and make it more attractive to all audiences. It is enhancing the physical dodgeball game with computer game elements. By adding virtual life points, attack power and defence power, people with different skill levels can enjoy playing together. Players are able to choose a player role that corresponds to their physical skills and liking. The progress of the game

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Squachu(Mouth training game):口腔筋トレーニングゲーム

口腔は話す,食物を摂取するという生きることに直接関与する器官であり,人間らしさを表す代表的な器官として重要な役割を担っている.しかし,これらの筋肉は,加齢,あるいはダウン症のような特定の疾患により,筋力が低下し,例えば摂食・嚥下機能低下や,構音障害等のさまざまな問題を引き起こす.特に,嚥下機能の低下は,誤嚥性肺炎の原因のひとつとなり,注目されている.本研究ではSITAを利用し,健常者を含めた幅広い年齢層の人を対象として,一人で,かつ衛生的な環境で継続的に舌や口のトレーニングを可能とする,口腔筋トレーニング支援シリアスゲーム,「スカッチュ」の開発を目指す.また高齢者施設における評価実験にて,スカッチュのプレイによって口腔機能改善効果があることを確認した. Squachu Rule 1. 舌を左右に動かして、ラケットの位置を操作 2. キスをするように、「チュッ」の動作でボールを打ち返します 3. タイミングよく打ち返す事で、高得点を狙いましょう Chu(Kiss) = Smash  ♥  Smile = Retry  ♥  Moving Tongue = Run Publications: Takahiro Ando, Ayano Masaki, Qing Liu, Takafumi Ooka, Sho Sakurai, Koichi Hirota, and Takuya Nojima. 2018. Squachu: a training game to improve oral function via a non-contact tongue-mouth-motion detection system. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 26, 8 pages. (ACM DL) 正木絢乃,安藤貴広,柳青,広田光一,野嶋琢也: スカッチュにおける認識安定性向上に関する研究,第21回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会予稿集, 31C-06,2016. 正木絢乃,柳青,宮内将人,木村尭,野嶋琢也: スカッチュ:口腔筋トレーニング支援を目的とするシリアスゲームの開発, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌, Vol.21, No.2, pp. 243-250,2016. (PDF) 柳 青, 正木 絢乃, 野嶋 琢也, 宮内 将斗:スカッチュ:SITAシステムを利用したスポーツゲームの開発,第20回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会予稿集,33C-02, pp.449-452, 2015.(PDF) Media: 世界ゆるスポーツ協会,スカッチュ,Web Page AdverTimes, “テクノロジーは、スポーツ用品だ。”,  URL, 2016/7/2 エキサイトニュース, ”舌で動かし、チュッ!とスマッシュする「スカッチュ」”,  URL, 2016/5/22 日経産業新聞,電通大・技術応用し健康ゲーム,  2016/4/8 SENSORS(日本テレビ), 2016/3/6 ホビーの楽園(少年サンデー),

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SITA(A tongue training system and its application):舌運動検出とその福祉応用

Children with Down syndrome have a variety of symptoms including speech and swallowing disorders. To improve these symptoms, tongue training is thought to be beneficial. However, inducing children with Down syndrome to do such training is not easy because tongue training can be an unpleasant experience for children. In addition, with no supporting technology for such training, teachers and families around such children must make efforts to induce them to undergo the training. In this research, we develop an interactive tongue training system especially for children with Down syndrome using SITA (Simple Interface for Tongue motion Acquisition) system. In this paper, we describe in detail our preliminary evaluations of SITA,

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Lip Interface:くちびるインタフェース


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STRAVIGATION(A Vibrotactile Mobile Navigation): 探検的観光支援に関する研究

Exploration-like sightseeing is wandering around an unfamiliar place, and is a way of seeing sights and enjoying novel experiences that are not mentioned in guidebooks. However, the fear of getting lost prevents tourists from engaging in exploration-like sightseeing. Current navigation devices are capable of providing effective routes to specific places, which is not compatible for this mode of sightseeing. This is because tourists tend to focus on the recommended route displayed on the device and follow it faithfully. This prevents tourists from seeing surrounding sights. Here, we propose a new navigation method called stravigation. Stravigation is a vibrotactile mobile navigation for the tourist to be able to enjoy exploration-like sightseeing.

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