Tag Archives: Superhuman sports


We propose a ball-type device using photoelastic effect. Photoelastic effect is one of the features many transparent gels have, and polarization state changes depending on the pressure when the gel is pressed. “PhotoelasticTouch”, developed in our laboratory, is tabletop interface for touch recognition using this effect. But it has some problem of miniaturization it needs to place a camera in order to observe the polarization. We improved it and developed new touch sensor. This sensor is very thin and able to process into various shapes. We report this sensor’s performance evaluation and recognition structure. デジタルスポーツとはスポーツ用具・フィールドに対して高度デジタル機器を融合させることによる,拡張されたスポーツのことである.例えばボールのバウンドにあわせてボールそのものやフィールドに映像効果を付与する,ボールの中に空気アクチュエータを搭載し,空中で飛行軌道を変化させるといったことが行われている.将来的にさらに高度な能力を有するスポーツ用具やフィールドが開発されると期待されるものの,それらの能力を効果的に活用するための,適切なコマンド入力手段は存在しない.本研究では特にボールに着目し,スポーツプレー中であってもコマンド入力を可能とする,全面全周囲圧力検出機能を組み込んだPhotoelasticBallを開発した.PhotoelasticBallはボール全面全周囲で圧力検出が可能であることから,ボールのどこを押下しても,その押下力の大きさと方向を検出することができる.すなわち,ボール全面がジョイスティックと同等の機能を有するものとなっている.このボールは本講座小池研究室のPhotoelasticTouchの技術に基づき構成されている. Publications: Kei Nitta, Toshiki Sato, Hideki Koike, Takuya Nojima, “PhotoelasticBall: A touch detectable ball using

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Ego-motion analysis:運動計測システムの開発

In this paper, we present a new method to perform ego-motion analysis using intensity averaging of image data. The method can estimate general motions from two sequential images on pixel plane by calculating cross correlations. With distance information between camera and objects, this method also enables estimates of camera motion. This method is sufficiently robust even for out of focus image and the calculational overhead is quite low because it uses a simple averaging method. In the future, this method could be used to measure fast motions such as human head tracking, or robot movement. We present a detailed description of the proposed method, and experimental results demonstrating its basic

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TAMA(Trajectory chAnging, Motion bAll) インタラクティブボールの開発

we propose a novel ball type interactive interface device. Balls are one of the most important pieces of equipment used for entertainment and sports. Their motion guides a player’s response in terms of, for example, a feint or similar movement. Many kinds of breaking ball throws have been developed for various sports(e.g. baseball). However, acquiring the skill to appropriately react to these breaking balls is often hard to achieve and requires long-term training. Many researchers focus on the ball itself and have developed interactive balls with visual and acoustic feedbacks. However, these balls do not have the ability for motion control. In this paper, we introduce a ball-type motion control interface device.

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