Masaru Ohkubo (Marchall Oakbow)
Name:Masaru Ohkubo
大久保 賢
E2-315, IS, UEC
1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, 182-8585, JAPAN
marchalloakbow {at}
∂ Research & Publications :
Hairlytop Interface
Masaru Ohkubo, Miki Yamamura, Hiroko Uchiyama and Takuya Nojima, “Breathing Clothes: Artworks using the Hairlytop Interface”, Proceedings of Advances in Computer Entertainment Technologies, 2014(ACM DL, PDF)
Masaru Ohkubo, Yoshiharu Ooide, Takuya Nojima,”An Interface Composed of a Collection of “Smart Hairs””, Proceedings of the second international workshop on Smart material interfaces: another step to a material future, pp.23-26, 2013.(ACM DL, PDF)
大久保 賢, 大出 慶晴, 野嶋 琢也:Hairlytop Interfaceの大面積Organic User Interfaceへの拡張,第 18 回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,2013 (PDF)
Engadget German(Haar-Display setzt Licht in organische, pelzige Bewegungen um (Video)), 2013/11/13
マイナビ(細く柔軟なアクチュエータの集合体「Hairlytop Interface」),2013/11/07
Diginfo.TV(細く柔軟なアクチュエータの集合体「Hairlytop Interface」),2013/11/06
フジテレビ系列,とくダネ! (Fuji TV, Tokudane! 2013/10/25)
テレビ東京系列,ワールドビジネスサテライト(TV Tokyo, World Business Satellite 2013/10/24)
∂ Awards:
2013 October Digital Contents Expo (Sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry)
Innovative Technologies Award
(Hairlytop Interface:毛をモチーフにした柔らかいインタフェース)
2014 March Commended as an excellent student of the school year
by the University of Electro-Communications
∂ Interested Field:
Augmentation, Human computer interfaces, Haptic, Tangible, Embedded system, Electronics…
∂ Works:
Hairlytop Interface
Microcomputer works
Tube Amplifiers
Solid state amplifiers
Repairing musical instruments & consumer electronics
More detail about my works, please go to
∂ Education:
2013 March Graduated from the university of electro-communications
Bachelor of electronic engineering at Higuchi laboratory
2015 March Graduated from the Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications
Master of engineering at Nojima laboratory
2015 April PhD Candidate at Nojima laboratory
∂ Personal history & career:
Now working as a part time job
Now working at Fujiyama Electric as an assistant engineer
Worked at Ryushou-tei Nishimura as a part time job
Worked at Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s Hall as a part time job
Graduated from Ueno high school, Taito-ward Tokyo Japan.
∂ Hoby
Amature radio (CALL SIGN: JE1AAR)
Coding (C or whatever)
Embedded engineering (PIC, ARM, 8051, RX, R8C, Arduino, mbed, etc…)
Electric Guitar (Washburn, Steinburger, Steinberger, Fender Japan, Epiphone)
Japanese Calligraphy
Leather Craft
Motorcycle (Suzuki Volty)
Smoking (Bacon, Egg, Cheese, etc…)
Tube amplifier building (design, compose, maintain, modify)