Kadri Rebane

Kadri Rebane

Augmented Sports Group

PHD student

E-mail: kadri { @ } vogue.is.uec.ac.jp

Personal blog (in Estonian): kuulmiseni.blogspot.com

Research Interests:

Augmented Sports, Wearables, Physical Computing.


2015-  University of Electro Communications, Japan. Media Systems, PHD student

2013-2015 University of Electro-Communications, Japan.  Media and Information Science, M.Eng

2009-2010 University of Electro-Communications, Japan. Student in JUSST exchange program.

2006-2011 Tallinn University of Tecnology, Estonia. Department of Mechanical Engineering, speciality: product development. BSc


Kadri Rebane, Takahiro Kai, Naoki Endo, Tomonari Imai, Yohei Yanase, Takuya Nojima, 2016. Augmented Dodgeball: Gaming Experience Achieved with the Help of Tecnology. The 34th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Yamagata, Japan

Kadri Rebane, Takahiro Kai, Naoki Endo, Tomonari Imai, Takuya Nojima, Yohei Yanase 2015 Augmented Dodgeball. The 1st Super Human Sports Society Symbosium, Tsukuba, Japan

Kadri Rebane,  Azusa Hakamatsuka, Sachiko Kodama, Toshiki Sato, Yasushi Matoba, Hideki Koike. 2012. Development of and experimentation on deformable three-dimensional figures by the use of polystyrene beads, a pressure sensor, and an air pump. In Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Smart Material Interfaces: A Material Step to the Future (SMI ’12).