Augmented Vection:移動感の増強に関する研究

AugmentedVectionFS1It is known that peripheral vision strongly contributes to the sense of self-motion, and that users of visual displays with a narrow field of view often findit hard to experience such sensations fully. In thisresearch, we propose a peripheral display thataugments the feeling of self-motion. This consists ofsimple displays that stimulate the user’s peripheralarea of vision. By changing the stimulus on theperipheral display, the system should be able toincrease or reduce the user’s sense of self-motion. Inthis report, we describe a prototype of the displaysystem and the result of its evaluation.




  • 野嶋琢也,岡野裕,雑賀慶彦,梶本裕之,「移動感増強装置」,特開2009-075145